Thin Silver Stacking Rings

Small dainty rings with classic geometric shapes. Playful and simple designs for those looking for everyday, timeless jewelry. Artist-made and made-to-order.

Stackable Dainty Rings

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Circle & Square
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Circle & Oval
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Triangle and Oval Set (2 rings)
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Circle and Square Set (2 rings)
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How to stack silver rings. Thin silver rings.

How to wear stacked rings

Our classic ring makes it so easy to step up your look; it is the key! Here is how.

Sone rings have dainty geometric shapes on top, such as triangle, circle, square, oval. Stack a classic ring or two next to these, and it adds depth and thickness, making it more of a statement while still staying simple and modern.

Simple, fun, and everyday stacking rings that can be customized by mixing and matching

Remember, all sizes can be made-to-order upon request. Email Catherine!

Triangle and oval sterling silver stacking thin rings.

Geometric ring stack

Want to take it further?

Combine and stack two shapes, like the triangle ring and the oval ring to make fun and unique combination. Available in Triangle and Oval Set (2 rings).

There are four classic geometric shapes available: triangle, circle, square, and oval. Mix and customize to craft your own looks.

Handmade & Eco-friendly

Rings are handmade with 16-gauge sterling silver bands and fine silver geometric shapes on top. Made with recycled or reclaimed silver, it is shipped in recyclable and reusable packaging.

Slow Fashion

Our designs are timeless and made-to-last, so a silver maintenance kit is included to keep your pieces shiny and new.

These stacking rings match perfectly with